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General Layout and Description of the vertical turbine pump

Classification:vertical turbine pump Date:2024/11/20 16:56:14 Views:0

source:Vertical Turbine Pump Manufacturer and Vertical Suspension Pump Prices Provider

General Layout and Description of the vertical turbine pump

The open lineshaft vertical turbine pump has the typical configuration shown in Figure 1. A vertical hollow-shaft motor or right-angle gear drive rests upon the discharge head. This motor is connected to the lineshaft, which runs to the bowl assembly. At the bowl assembly, the lineshaft is connected to the bowlshaft, driving the impellers. The impellers are either semiopen or enclosed. The impellers channel the flow from each bowl to the next, up the column pipe, and out through the discharge head. The column is either threaded or flanged. A strainer can be provided to keep unwanted debris from entering the vertical turbine pump.

A enclosed lineshaft vertical turbine pump has the same basic features, plus an oil tube that encloses the lineshaft. An oil reservoir at the surface keeps the lineshaft lubricated.

More details can be found in Figure 2 below.

General Layout and Description of the vertical turbine pump.jpg