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Terminology Of The vertical turbine pump

Classification:vertical turbine pump Date:2024/11/20 17:04:22 Views:0

source:Vertical Turbine Pump Manufacturer and Vertical Suspension Pump Prices Provider

Terminology Of The vertical turbine pump

1. Grade -The elevation of the surface supporting the pump.

2. Static Water Level -The vertical distance betweengrade and the water level in the well when thepump is OFF.

3.Drawdown -The vertical distance the water islowered in the well during pumping.

4. Pumping Water Level - The vertical distancebetween grade and the water level in the well when the pump is ON.

5. Pump Setting -The vertical distance betweengrade and the top of the pump assembly.

6. Lift - The vertical distance from the pumpingwater level to the discharge level (this may behigher than grade).

7. Minimum Submergence - The lowest acceptablewater level in the well for pump operation.

8. Column Friction Loss - Losses incurred by the flowof water through the pump column assembly. SeeColumn Friction Loss Table for approximatevalues.

9. TDH (Total Dynamic Head) - The total of thefollowing: vertical elevation from the pumping water level to the discharge point plus all losses in the columnand discharge piping.

10. Lab Efficiency - Efficiency of the bowl assembly only. This value can be found on the pump performance curve.

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